Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away!!

It has been pretty rainy the last week. We are hoping it will warm up soon cause we can't swim when its freezing! The electricity keeps on going out at school and at home and Amanda and I had an interesting experience! So the first day of school the electricity went out. I was in health and the ceiling was leaking. (This really surprised me because it is supposed to be one of the best international schools in the world) So as the water was pooring through about 10 spots of the room we were informed that the Math room above us was flooding. I was thinking what a great first day! Wink wink. So then after school was over we were told to go find our driver and she would take us home. Sure enough she never showed. We were with one of our friends who also goes with this driver and so we decided to get another Taxi. It turned out that I was the only one with any money so I got the pleasure of paying. (I did get payed back though) So we were pretty exhausted and were ready to take a nap. The electricity was still out and what we didn't know was that the elevator doesn't work when the electricity is out. There is a service elevator and that works during blackouts but we only had a key to the front door and there are no stairs to the front door only to the back. So we were pretty much locked out. Luckily our friend was generous and invited us to their apartment 12 floors above us. We sat around there for a little while and then finally mom called and we went home! The following days were better and we learned a very valuable lesson. have a key to both doors.

School has Started!

School is really different from what I am used to. I'm usually surrounded my tons of LDS kids and its not like that anymore! They are so nice and I have already made a few really good friends! I will admit really miss all my friends in bountiful. The teachers are really nice and some are funny but others try and fail! Haha, my classes so far are really easy. Everybody told us it was going to be really hard but it hasn't been that way. Hopefully things won't change!