Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Ok, so BYU did not win. Its okay though! I have a feeling we will kick 'em next year!!! There hasn't been a ton going on lately. I am really depressed because my iPod broke. :( I dropped it on the cement below my locker and now when I try to turn it on, it just has this frowny face. :( except the eyes are X's. Its very disappointing. One of the worst parts is that all my episodes of the Office were on there!!!

I am very excited for Thanksgiving!!! All of our American ward members (except for a couple who are traveling) are getting together for our own Thanksgiving feast! We found some HUGE turkeys here and I cannot wait to eat some Pumpkin Pie!!!! I don't think this has been invented in Brasil yet. :) I haven't really had a real Thanksgiving for the last three years, because I was in Boston for one year (Chinese food) and in soccer tournaments in St. George for the other two (fast food)!!! It will be more normal here in Brazil, than the last three years!!!

It is starting to get hot!! I know I have said this about 3 times but I think this time it is true!! We had a nice day today so we are all crossing our fingers that it will stay!! Everybody says that this constant rain we have had isn't normal, so hopefully it won't happen for the next two years! I just found out yesterday that my parents are planning on sending me home in June for the summer!!! I am going to go to EFY and on a few little other trips! I am really looking forward to seeing my friends and family!!

Office Quote:
"I just want to be friends. Plus a little extra. Also I love you."


Nicole said...

Yea!! We're excited to see you!

Erin said...

hello cousin!!! I love you!! I know I was so depressed about BYU. :( now you need to see my blog!! I miss you, and i hope that you are having a wonderful time in Brazil! HAVE A TERRIFIC THANKSGIVING!!!
-Erin (your fav. cous)