Sunday, November 2, 2008

Elder Richard G. Scott!!!

The best part of Brasil yet!!! Elder Scott came to visit our mission!! So me and dad went to go pick him from his hotel in the morning and then brought him to a chapel where all the missionaries in our mission were waiting. We walked in with him and then he shook everyones hands! He taught for about 4 hours and then we had lunch. He is such an amazing teacher, the things he was saying were so clear and simple! I have learned so much!
So after lunch he had a meeting with dad and the zone leaders. After that we hopped in the car and drove to the CTM!! (MTC) He was so nice and he sat in the BACKSEAT with me and Amanda!! I was in the middle and the whole ride i was like"I'm sitting next to an apostle, Oh my Gosh!!!" I was going crazy!! So he played games with us and drew pictures. Then he said" You know, today has been a day full of spiritual counsel. Does anyone have any good jokes?" It was so funny so we told jokes most of the way to the CTM!!
Once we arrived at the CTM, we walked in with Elder Scott and Elder Anderson and sat down. He taught the missionaries there for an hour and a half. This was one of my favorite parts. He asked the missionaries if they had any questions and the thing that impressed me the most was how readily Elder Scott had an answer for them!! His spirit was so strong and I was so honored to be able to spend a day with him!!! When the meeting was over he walked down the stand and waved at us to walk out with him!! I felt like movie star! I saw the jealous eyes of the missionaries as I exited with him!! We said good bye and the day was over. :( This has given me a booster and a new attitude about everything and I am so grateful that I got to meat an apostle of God!!

Office Quote: Kelly:"Stanley i thought you didn't like Halloween?!"Phyllis: "He just wears the mask so he can sleep at his desk."

1 comment:

Nicole said...

That is an amazing experience! wow! you will never want to come home!